About Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery is a widespread, greed driven crime, robbing dignity, freedom and hope. It is estimated that there are over 136,000 individuals who are currently in Modern Slavery in the UK and that the West Midlands has the highest number of potential victims, outside of London.

Escape, however, is only the beginning. “Some survivors are not able to access the healthcare, housing, employment, language classes or financial support which they need to re-build their lives and are drawn back into exploitative or abusive situations.” - The Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Strategic Plan 2019-2020. 

Even after rescue, survivors may find themselves unemployed, may be housed in unsuitable accommodation or facing homelessness, may be navigating the asylum system or seeking immigration advice. They may lack English, be isolated, living in fear, unaware of how to navigate life in the UK including benefits and healthcare. Many are also coping with the long term effects of trauma and other health conditions.

About Equiano Plus

Equiano Plus is an employment-focused recovery project, which addresses the myriad of barriers survivors can experience and provides long-term sustained support in several ways:

  • Equiano Work
    Supported paid work and volunteer opportunities in our social enterprises to help survivors recover dignity, self-respect, achieve an understanding of what ‘good’ work looks like and move towards economic independence

  • Equiano Foundations
    Support to help survivors develop the initial skills and confidence to access our wider programme including ESOL, maths and digital and life skills support alongside work-place visits to our social enterprises

  • Equiano Health & Wellbeing
    Support and activities to encourage good health, promote wellbeing and to reduce fear and lack of understanding about accessing health and wellbeing services locally

  • Equiano Social
    Social sessions to help reduce loneliness and isolation, help build friendships and support networks, navigate local transport and integrate into the local community

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Equiano Plus is supported by funding from the National Lottery Community Fund