Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving, also known as Give As You Earn, is a convenient and tax efficient way to make a regular donation to charity. The donation is taken from your gross pay or pension, before Income Tax is applied. This means a £10.00 donation would only ‘cost’ a standard rate taxpayer £8.00 and a higher rate taxpayer just £6.00.

Many employers and pension providers are already signed up for Payroll Giving schemes, so it is very easy to set up. The first step is to check with your HR Department to make sure that your company offers Payroll Giving. If they do, simply complete a brief form and your payroll team will arrange your donation. 

If your employer does not currently offer Payroll Giving, you can write to them and encourage them to set one up. To set up a Payroll Giving scheme, your organisation will need to register with an approved Payroll Giving agency.

If your circumstances change and you want to change or cancel your donation at any time, simply tell your employer. If you change your job, your donations will not be transferred to your new employer, so you may wish to start a new Payroll Giving scheme with them.

Contact us

If you have any queries about making donating through your salary, please contact JERICHO on 0121 647 1960 or email us at

How your money helps

  • £5 a month could help supply our participants with vital warm packs, making their home and work life more manageable this Winter.

  • £15 a month could pay for a day trip for a group of survivors of modern slavery, contributing to their wellbeing, reducing isolation and promoting social inclusion.

  • £30 a month could help provide a starter kit of furniture and household essentials for a vulnerable person starting from scratch.